Thursday, February 21, 2008

Who is Barack Obama?

As many readers no doubt already know, Sen. Barack Obama may be a radical Muslim terrorist. That's the message of a widely forwarded e-mail making its rounds, and if something appears in a widely forwarded e-mail, you know it has to be true.

But here at The Talker, we have unearthed evidence that reveals that the presidential candidate may be something even more sinister than a radical Muslim terrorist. He may be (gulp) ... a Canadian.

The picture below has not been digitally altered in anyway. It provides ample evidence of where the senator's loyalties may really lie.

Yes, that's the Maple Leaf flag behind this would-be president. This is very scary to think about what may lie ahead for this country. Let us all remain alert concerning Obama's candidacy.


Anonymous said...

How many pictures have we seen of other candidates with flags behind him? Or have you not noticed that many stadiums and areas that host sporting events have Canadian Flags? Just Yesterday, I was watching, on youtube, the NBA Finals from years past. They had canadian Flags raised as well.hi Where was the picture taken? Why was he there? What is the context of this picture? Why won't people talk about the issues that matter: poverty, jobs, Iraq?

Also, the Muslim remark has been provento be false, or does the comments of his pastor don't matter? But wait, the media has jumped all over that one. So, which one is it? Is he a Muslim or is he a member of a church that has a pastor who says hateful things. It is amazing how "Christians" forget the basic rule of Christianity: My relationship with God is a personal relationship. It is between me and God. If he says he is a Christian, then who are we to say he is not.

Andy Weld said...


You might want to turn up your sarcasm detection device.
