Monday, October 8, 2007

Well, here we are

I'm not even sure I know what a "blog" is, yet here we are.

This blog, dubbed "The Fast Talker," is one of two blogs being started at the Courier News. The other is by columnist Tena Furnish (link can be found elsewhere on this page.) The idea is to bring some more dynamic content to the Internet offerings of the Courier News.

The nature of this blog will be a work in progress. I'll probably post my weekly column here, and maybe talk about the news of the day every now and then. And you'll no doubt hear a little about my kids from time to time. Hopefully, I'll write something worthy of a little feedback once in a while. After all, that's one of the whole points of having a blog, and I'm looking forward to exploring this new interactive medium.

But it can't be denied that this is uncartered territory for both myself, and this newspaper. I don't know where this project will lead us, but I'm looking forward to the journey, and I hope you'll come along for the ride.

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