Wednesday, November 28, 2007

An obligatory update

I've never claimed to be an expert on this whole blogosphere thing, but one thing that makes logical sense is that if you want to maintain any degree of readership, you've got to have updates. You've got to give something to the people. After all, I wouldn't want The Talker to become one of those Internet ghost towns, where you half expect to see a cyber-tumbleweed scroll across the screen.

Usually, I update at least once a week, with my column that runs Wednesday in the CN. However, I didn't write a column this week, for I have been busy catching up on work after traveling to Iowa — the land of the midnight corn — for the holiday weekend. It was a good trip, if you must know. Kind of a Thanksgiving-and-Christmas-all-rolled-into-one kind of thing. They even had snow on the ground, so the kids got to play around on Grandpa and Grandma's sled for a little while. A good time was had by all.

But now, it's back to the grind, and between Christmas shopping, wrapping presents, various holiday happenings, and doing the work that I'm actually paid to do, I'll try to keep the updates coming. I wouldn't want to disappoint all 11 of you who check this blog regularly. ;)

1 comment:

MrsRobbieD said...

Glad you had a good trip. 11 wow thats awesome :) I read the posts in the paper then come here if I want to comment you or Tena.

Keep up the good work!